HCB Rehearsal Notes Tue Oct 4

Hi all, Here’s the list of pieces we’ll be going through on Tuesday night (Oct. 3rd)
1. Chorales (Bride of Assorted-all) 2. Warm-up Piece-Ballet Parisien (1, 2 and 3) 3. Ayres from Gloucester (some rehearsal) 4. Scottish Rhapsody 5. Three Paintings from Lautrec (read-through) 6. Poet and Peasant Overture (Andante Maestoso only) 7. Praeludium (read-through) 8. Kirkpatrick’s Muse (if time)
Thanks Dave

Message from Laura Mercer Cape Breton Band Festival

To my FB friends and fellow concert band players. Well folk I hope this note finds you all safe and that the impact of Fiona was minimal to you. Well for Second Wind Community Band it is not. We have to cancel our annual BandFest 2022 this coming weekend September 30, October 1/2, but also our regular weekly rehearsals on Wednesday at the Victoria Park Armouries. As you may know, the military has been called in to help Cape Breton get back on their feet and the VP Armouries will be their headquarters. This is where we would have hosted our BandFest this coming weekend and all our weekly Wednesday weekly rehearsals which are well underway. So until I can arrange a new space and of course when it’s all safe for us to resume I will be in touch. I’m sad, as it means things are super tough here in CB and around the Atlantic provinces. We have had great plans for our BandFest 2022 and our 30th year celebrations and concerts and will do our best to celebrate once things get back on track. Be safe and watch for announcements once I can secure a space for us to resume and maybe still host our annual BandFest for 2022 later in the fall. Stay tuned. Take care Laura Mercer. Conductor of Second Wind Community Band Cape Breton Community Band Fall Fest” Find us at www.secondwindcommunityband.com <www.secondwindcommunityband.com/?fbclid=IwAR0Q6mQgRuqYwiiUmqEmnZJgrtG97EPjPFHFQWSNnBZQGNqjjDSseIf9MtI>

Reminder: HCB First Rehearsal 2022-23 Tuesday Sep 20

The Halifax Concert Band will begin the 2022-23 season on Tuesday September 20 at 6:30 pm in the band room of Halifax West High School. You should arrive at the school by 6:15 pm at the latest, which would give you time to register and find your seat. If you are interested in helping with set-up, you could arrive at 6 pm.
Masks are recommended when not playing your instrument. If you have any symptoms of a respiratory illness (cough, sneezing, sore throat, aches, etc) please do not come to rehearsal or any band events.
The fee this year will be $160.00. Payment can be by e-transfer, cheque or cash. If you need different arrangement for payment, please contact me. If you pay by e-transfer, it must be done as an interac transfer through your bank and sent to treasurer@halifaxconcertband.ca. A password is not required.
There is an option of an on-line registration form, which can be found here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCbylhaKvQSo_WWeJmpzyuTv-MO2J8l-tLXYErSlNP7hoXBA/viewform
This year, all members will receive a permanent music folder. There will be no additional charge for this.
The band is run by volunteers. If you are willing to help, please indicate that on the registration forms or contact anyone on the Executive.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

HCB Rehearsal Tuesday Sep 13 Postponed

My previous message triggered security flags, probably due to upper case text and !
We have just been notified that the Band will not be able to get into Halifax West High School on Tuesday September 13. This is due to a curriculum meeting at that time.
Our first rehearsal of the 2022-23 year is rescheduled to Tuesday September 20, at 6:30 pm in the band room of Halifax West High School. Please try to be there before 6:15 to complete the registration process. If you are available to help set-up, you can arrive around 6:00 pm.
Thanks to all who have taken advantage of the on-line registration and e-transfer payments. On-line registration link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCbylhaKvQSo_WWeJmpzyuTv-MO2J8l-tLXYErSlNP7hoXBA/viewform
E-transfer payment email: treasurer@halifaxconcertband.ca


We have just been notified that the Band will not be able to get into Halifax West High School on Tuesday September 13. This is due to a curriculum meeting at that time.
Our first rehearsal of the 2022-23 year is rescheduled to Tuesday September 20, at 6:30 pm in the band room of Halifax West High School. Please try to be there before 6:15 to complete the registration process. If you are available to help set-up, you can arrive around 6:00 pm.
Thanks to all who have taken advantage of the on-line registration and e-transfer payments. On-line registration link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCbylhaKvQSo_WWeJmpzyuTv-MO2J8l-tLXYErSlNP7hoXBA/viewform
E-transfer payment email: treasurer@halifaxconcertband.ca