Hi all First of all, thank you all for last Tuesday’s rehearsal! It was really satisfying to be able to gather again and start back into the process of music making together.
We would like to keep the same rehearsal plan for both groups that we followed last Tuesday and see if there may be some more music from the repertoire list to be handed out.
If there are any members that can arrive a little bit early to help move chairs and stands and help set up both rooms, it would be appreciated.
For reference, I will include last week’s rehearsal plan here.
*6:30 *Rehearsal (Part 1) in assigned group and place** *7:30 Five minute break* *7:35 Rehearsal (Part 2) in same assigned group and place* *8:30 Dismissal * *Mark and I will be rehearsing each group for an hour and then trading groups and will be selecting repertoire from the following set of pieces.*
*Dave’s List* *Three Ayres from Gloucester (if available)* *In Their Honor * *Sea Songs* *A Childhood Remembered* *Curtain Call*
*Mark’s list* *We Want It All* *Star Trek * *Mark’s Fugue * *Jump In The Line
Mark’s Notes: * * Here are the issues I’ll work on at the next rehearsal:* We will be working on the rhythmic figures in “Jump in the Line”. Re-reading and working on “We want it All”. Reading “Waltz in the Old Style”.
Thanks and see you on Tuesday.
Dave and Mark* *
HCB Rehearsal Notes Tuesday March 22
Hi all and welcome back to the remainder of the 2021-22 Halifax Concert Band season (Spring Version).
Assembly 6:30 pm Bella Rose Theatre
I am really pleased to be joining you again to resume rehearsals and to get back to the pleasure of music-making together and look forward to working together to rehearse and perform a fantastic set of music for our Spring Finale concert!! (date TBA).
As Becky has mentioned in the last email that Bob sent to the membership, we have set Tuesday’s rehearsal to come back together in two smaller groups to rehearse simultaneously in two separate spaces. This will allow for some better distancing and safer sizes for now. Mark Cuming and I will be conducting these two groups and members will be placed into either the *Band Room Group* or the *Stage Group.* (see below). Group selections are based solely on equal instrumentation and balance or logistical factors.
Let’s all meet together at 6:30 pm for an assembly in the audience seating of the Bella Rose Theatre to go over the plan for the evening’s agenda, which I am providing in advance.
*6:30 Assembly* *6:45 Rehearsal (Part 1) in assigned group and place* *7:30 Five minute break* *7:35 Rehearsal (Part 2) in same assigned group and place* *8:30 Dismissal * Mark and I will be rehearsing each group for an hour and then trading groups and will be selecting repertoire from the following set of pieces.
*Dave’s List* Three Ayres from Gloucester Sea Songs A Childhood Remembered Curtain Call
*Mark’s list* We Want It All Star Trek In Their Honor (new) Jump In The Line
Here are the Group lists:
*Band Room Group* Cathy Clarke Don Doyle Sarah Muir Maddie Radvanyi Andrea Dale Trina Parker Carman Bright Amanda Disney Elizabeth Gold Bill Hardstaff Melanie Lahey Gerry Melanson Graham Powell Natalie Foster Debbie McGuire Richard Rybiak Chris Chapman Emilie Lebrasseur Heather Rushton John Underhill Garth Watt Janic Bayer Becky Campbell Kim Conway Judith Orr Ken Howells Molly Hurd
Halifax Concert Band to start rehearsals on March 22, 2022 at Halifax West HS
We will be re-starting Halifax Concert Band on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at Halifax West High School.
In an effort to facilitate an increased amount of distancing for safely playing/rehearsing together, some folks will be in the band room rehearsing with either Mark or Dave, and some folks will be rehearsing on stage in the auditorium with either Mark or Dave.
Mark and Dave are collaborating on concert programming and will be working on the respective groupings.
Protocols that were in place prior to our most recent recess in December 2021: -masked when not playing, -puppy pads for moisture absorption from draining, and -proof of double vaccination, (if you previously provided proof of vaccination, you do not need to do it again.)
These protocols will continue to be in place for the remainder of the concert season.
Looking forward to making music together once again!
Halifax Concert Band Questionnaire
The band may be able to rehearse at Halifax West in the second half of March 2022. We are looking for information about how many of you would be willing to attend rehearsals if we are able to have therm. I am sending you a link for a questionnaire. Please complete it so that the Executive can make realistic plans for the band.
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns.
No Halifax Concert Band rehearsals planned for February
Due to COVID-19 and all its variants, we will not be able to have a rehearsal for at least the next month. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
If anything changes, I will let you know. I will be providing an update in the first week of each month until the situation changes.
Circulating letter
There is a letter going around asking for music and choral programs to be allowed in school. A copy is below. You may want to modify the bottom parts and send it to the links provided.
Please send to all your interested contacts. If you are a community band, please send to your membership.
We are starting to be heard but we need a big push.
Thank you,
*/_INSTRUCTIONS: _/**/Copy and paste ALL text below (including email addresses) into an email body. Send to your contact lists. /*
*/EMAIL SUBJECT: Urgent Call for Support/*
As you know, singing and wind instrument playing are fully banned in our Nova Scotia schools. It is vital that students have access to these experiences in school.The impact of these decisions will be long lasting and we need to see this policy reversed for the sake of our students.
/Quick background: /
* This letter <r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001LNDbwBGmrKt7dyPCaEm-00Qrg15oE_AKCJzKLsYtkROEebBRiMpvZ3mmJl9NpHsgMvPh8oTE51rqdBT0cC3fEK_MLdLYeQz18255BWkJ66w1rTjcEWZIuq0-cNhnYFnbrYLWOvdMo1MZELdTmpr3_AtBeOAMEroZm1M-epcxvx9F8…>was sent to the government outlining research & the many reasons why singing/playing should be allowed in schools. * The Back to School policy <backtoschool.ednet.ns.ca/returning-to-class> banned singing and wind playing entirely, but allows students to participate in physical education classes unmasked, without gathering limits. * Parents and music educators began speaking up about this inequity and the importance of music in schools. Here are a few highlights:
1. Letter to the Editor from Brad Long
*We are asking you to lend your voice to these efforts. *We know you’re busy, so we’ve created a template for you to use below. If you would like to add personal details or experiences, please feel free.
*Music is not an extra. Music is a core component of our education system. *This need is *urgent*. Please take a moment from your day to make a difference in Nova Scotia schools.You represent students whose lives have been forever changed by music and your voice really CAN make a difference.
*/Please use the letter template below to speak out for Nova Scotia students and send to ALL contacts listed at the bottom./*
FOLLOW and SHARE Nova Scotia Music Education Council’s Facebook posts <www.facebook.com/nsmusiceducationcouncil>with your friends and followers. Spread the word that #MusicMatters!!
I am a parent of children attending Nova Scotia schools. I am emailing to oppose the current ban on singing and wind instrument playing in school. My children, like many others, rely on access to music education in schools. It is a vital part of our public education system and singing and playing are necessary for students to experience music making.
Nova Scotia students are in school because it is the best place for their well being. Our children rely on music making in school for their mental health and well being. This ban on singing and playing is negatively impacting Nova Scotia students and music programs, and these impacts will be long lasting.
I have heard interviews and read Letters to the Editor outlining the inequity in school policies for music students and I agree: students should be allowed to sing and play in school, especially considering that students are able to participate in physical education class without any gathering limit and without masks.
I have read the open letter <novascotiabandassociation.com/members-only-resources/covid-19-resources/>sent to you and other government elected officials and employees on January 10, 2022 by national and provincial organizations, including the Nova Scotia Band Association and Nova Scotia Choral Federation. The letter cites current research and outlines the many reasons singing and playing can and should be allowed in schools. I encourage you to review its contents and ensure students are able to return to music making through singing and playing in our schools.
I request a personal reply to my email on this very serious matter.
*/SEND TO:/*
*/educmin@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:educmin@novascotia.ca>*/_,_/**/Educ-DM@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:Educ-DM@novascotia.ca>*/_,_/**/steve.machat@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:steve.machat@novascotia.ca>*/_,_/**/chris.boulter@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:chris.boulter@novascotia.ca>*/_,_/**/ardith.haley@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:ardith.haley@novascotia.ca>*/_, _/**/pwozney@staff.nstu.ca/* <mailto:pwozney@staff.nstu.ca>*/_, sbrooks@staff.nstu.ca, jmacnutt@nstu.ca, _/**/Health.Minister@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:Health.Minister@novascotia.ca>*/_, _/**/jeannine.lagasse@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:jeannine.lagasse@novascotia.ca>*/_, _/**/Robert.Strang@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:Robert.Strang@novascotia.ca>*/_, _/**/Kelly.Dean@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:Kelly.Dean@novascotia.ca>*/_, _/**/Vanessa.Chouinard@novascotia.ca/* <mailto:Vanessa.Chouinard@novascotia.ca>*/_, PREMIER@novascotia.ca_/*
*/Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education/*
*/executivedirector@avrce.ca/* <mailto:executivedirector@avrce.ca>*/, /**/pat.murphy@avrce.ca/* <mailto:pat.murphy@avrce.ca>*/, /**/maria.carty@avrce.ca/* <mailto:maria.carty@avrce.ca>*//*
*/Cape Breton Victoria Regional Centre for Education/*
*/susankelley@cbvrce.ca/* <mailto:susankelley@cbvrce.ca>*/, /**/lcrawford@cbvrce.ca/* <mailto:lcrawford@cbvrce.ca>*/, /**/murquhart@cbvrce.ca/* <mailto:murquhart@cbvrce.ca>*/, /**/andrewla@cbvrce.ca/* <mailto:andrewla@cbvrce.ca>
*/Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education/*
*/adamsgs@ccrce.ca/* <mailto:adamsgs@ccrce.ca>*/, /**/callaghana@ccrce.ca/* <mailto:callaghana@ccrce.ca>*/, /**/duguays@ccrce.ca/* <mailto:duguays@ccrce.ca>
*/Halifax Regional Centre for Education /*
*/eleroux@hrce.ca/* <mailto:eleroux@hrce.ca>*/, /**/aking@hrce.ca/* <mailto:aking@hrce.ca>*/, /**/jchaulk@hrce.ca/* <mailto:jchaulk@hrce.ca>*/, /**/pdanyluk@hrce.ca/* <mailto:pdanyluk@hrce.ca>*/, /**/MBreen@hrce.ca/* <mailto:MBreen@hrce.ca>
*/South Shore Regional Centre for Education/*
*/pash@ssrce.ca/* <mailto:pash@ssrce.ca>*/, /**/jdewolfe@ssrce.ca/* <mailto:jdewolfe@ssrce.ca>*/, /**/bwoodfordcollins@ssrce.ca/* <mailto:bwoodfordcollins@ssrce.ca>
*/Strait Regional Centre for Education/*
*/cheryl.macpherson@srce.ca/* <mailto:cheryl.macpherson@srce.ca>*/, /**/paul.landry@srce.ca/* <mailto:paul.landry@srce.ca>*/, /**/darrell.leblanc@srce.ca/* <mailto:darrell.leblanc@srce.ca>*/, /**/wanda.fougere@srce.ca/* <mailto:wanda.fougere@srce.ca>
*/Tri-County Regional Centre for Education/*
*/jared.purdy@tcrce.ca/* <mailto:jared.purdy@tcrce.ca>*/, /**/jmcnutt@tcrce.ca/* <mailto:jmcnutt@tcrce.ca>*/, /**/ryan.macdonald@tcrce.ca/* <mailto:ryan.macdonald@tcrce.ca>*//*