Halifax Concert Band Registration 2022-2023

The Halifax Concert Band will begin the 2022-23 season on Tuesday September 13 at 6:30 pm in the band room of Halifax West High School. You should arrive at the school by 6:15 pm at the latest, which would give you time to register and find your seat. If you are interested in helping with set-up, you could arrive at 6 pm.
Masks are recommended when not playing your instrument. If you have any symptoms of a respiratory illness (cough, sneezing, sore throat, aches, etc) please do not come to rehearsal or any band events.
The fee this year will be $160.00. Payment can be by e-transfer, cheque or cash. If you need different arrangement for payment, please contact me. If you pay by e-transfer, it must be done as an interac transfer through your bank and sent to treasurer@halifaxconcertband.ca. A password is not required.
I am attaching a registration form, which can be filled out before you arrive on September 13. There is also an optional on-line registration form, which can be found here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCbylhaKvQSo_WWeJmpzyuTv-MO2J8l-tLXYErSlNP7hoXBA/viewform
This year, all members will receive a permanent music folder. There will be no additional charge for this.
The band is run by volunteers. If you are willing to help, please indicate that on the registration forms or contact anyone on the Executive.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Halifax Concert Band 2022-23 season preliminary information

The HCB Executive met this week and now I can provide you with preliminary information about the up-coming rehearsal season.
I appears that we will be able to get into Halifax West HS, beginning on Tuesday, September 13, at 6:30 pm. I will be sending out registration forms and other details next week.
If you have received this e-mail and are not interested, please let me know.

Clarification about music folders

In a previous e-mail, you were sent a list of music that should be in your band folder, if you have one. We were asked to turn in our folders at the end of the Spring Concert, in May.
If you have any music that is not in the list, please keep it. When you hand your folder in at the first band rehearsal, you can check with Debbie for instructions about what to do with any extra music sheets.
I am posting the list again.
Assorted Chorales Bride of Assorted More Assorted Son of Assorted
Anne of Green Gables Ballet Parisien Praeludium Poet and Peasant Overture Prairie Sketches They Hung Their Harps in the Willows Three Ayres From Gloucester Waltz in the Old Style We Want It All
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns.

Music Folders

Do you still have your music folder? Please check the contents and remove anything that is not in the following list:
Assorted Chorales Bride of Assorted More Assorted Son of Assorted
Anne of Green Gables Ballet Parisien Praeludium Poet and Peasant Overture Prairie Sketches They Hung Their Harps in the Willows Three Ayres From Gloucester Waltz in the Old Style We Want It All
Debbie McGuire, our trusty librarian, will be collecting folders at our first band rehearsal in September. If you are not returning to band, please contact Debbie [ d3bbi3mcguire@gmail.com ] and arrange to get the folder to her.

Video from HCB Spring Concert

Hi All I have seen videos of our concert on Facebook ( www.facebook.com/groups/9222020154 )and I believe that Marilyn Mullen ( www.youtube.com/channel/UCd2_aXFGkF5s_84LDad_cVA )may have posted a few. Please let the membership know that I have posted 2 videos on my YouTube channel ( www.youtube.com/channel/UC10_y0CokgxlIyZkX3Ex75g )as well. Simply open YouTube and search Mark Cuming (not Kent Steerwell). I posted my march and my waltz. There are also a lot of works of varying sound quality from days of old (when knights were bold), including Star Wars, the Marches, which, incredibly, have 10s of thousands of views! Thanks very much. Mark C.

HCB Message from Dave: Great Job!

Hi all, I’m just getting ready to go out the door for a road trip to Cape Breton but wanted to make sure to send this email out to everyone to let you know how happy and proud I am of everyone’s work and performance last night at the Spring Concert. In so many ways, we achieved the things that we were all rehearsing for and the performance standard was as high as we could have asked for. I hope you feel good about that. For those that could not attend last night, we missed you and please know that your contributions were essential to our performance, well before we hit the stage. I love it when the energy of performing live clicks in and that happened last night with lots of fine musicality and a strong connection with our audience. For all of our new members, I am so pleased that you have decided to join our group. This is what your band directors were talking about….coming back to your music and making it part of your life, hopefully for life! I hope you all have a great summer and we’ll see you all in the Fall for our new season. There will be emails about all of that later so stay tuned and stay safe. Take care. Dave