HCB Rehearsal Notes Tuesday Jan 7

Hi all,
Happy New Year 2025! Welcome back and best wishes for a safe, prosperous and healthy year ahead. As we start the second half of our 24/25 season, here is a list of upcoming concert events we have planned over the next three months.
Feb 9th- Camphill Veterans concert 2 pm at Camphill Veterans Memorial Building
March 23rd (Sunday)-Shared concert with the Bedford Brass Band and Halifax Concert Band 2 pm at Bella Rose Arts Centre
March 25th (Tuesday)-shared concert with the Halifax West high school bands and the concert band 7 pm at Bella Rose Arts Centre
We will be incorporating some material from our traditional Celtic repertoire to include in our March 23rd concert as well as some new titles to add to the folders for future performance.
Here are the rehearsal notes for Tuesday, Jan. 7th.
1) Chorales-Bride of Assorted 2) Warm-up Piece-Nimrod 3) El Choclo 4) Closer Walk with Me 5) Madre de los Gatos (new) 6) Postcard from Pittsburgh 7) Highlights from Planes 8) I Am The Doctor 9) Syncopated Clock
Also, please bring in all Christmas music to be handed in and as well as The Blue-Tail Fly to be returned to the library. Thanks and see you on Tuesday.