HCB Rehearsal Notes Tuesday Oct 21

Hi all, Here are the rehearsal notes for Tuesday, Oct. 31st.
1) Chorales-Assorted (all) 2) Warm-up Piece-Chorale Gott Humoriert 3) Nightmare Before Christmas 4) Drunken Sailor 5) Abracadabra 6) Welsh Rhapsody 7) White Christmas 8) Greensleeves 9) Sleigh Ride (if time)
Our shared concert with the Chebucto Big Band on Tuesday, November 7th (next week) is at 7 pm on the stage of the Bella Rose. I am asking the stage setup volunteers to come in for 6 pm to set the stage. The rest of the band are asked to arrive at the band room no later than 6:15. Doors open at 6:30. We will assemble on the stage at 6:45. The band will use the Halifax West band room to assemble and to warm-up and the Chebucto Big Band will be in the Green Room (next door) for their assembly/warm-up. Dress for the concert is the HCB shirt (with our crest) or a plain black shirt and black pants/skirt. HCB performs first (at 7) with the following order of selections.
Welsh Rhapsody The Nightmare Before Christmas Abracadabra Drunken Sailor
After our set, we will have to strike the stage to a certain degree to create a good space for the Chebucto Big Band’s set-up and I will provide instructions for that at the time. They will finish the concert with their set and their selections will be listed in the program.
Again, please try to encourage family and friends to attend. Admission is by freewill offering at the door.
Thanks and Happy Halloween! Dave

HCB Rehearsal Notes Tuesday Oct 24

Hi all, Here are the rehearsal notes for our next rehearsal on Tuesday, Oct 24th.
1) Chorales-Son of Assorted 2) Warm-up Piece-Welsh Rhapsody 3) Abracadabra 4) Nightmare Before Christmas 3) Holst (complete) 4) Drunken Sailor 5) Fantasy on American Sea Songs 6) Cantique de Noel (new) 7) Selections from Christmas music that is handed out next week
Don’t forget to sign up for the electronic 50/50 if you are interested. See attachment.
Thanks and see you next Tuesday. Dave

HCB Repertoire Audio Links

Hi All, Here’s a list of our current repertoire with audio links.
1) Abracadabra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU9LNKsgnn4 2) Nightmare Before Christmas www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/media-player.jsp?&type=audio&productID=10052099 <www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/media-player.jsp?&type=audio&productID=10052099> 3) A Welsh Rhapsody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLTbriacHIU 4) Holst 2nd Suite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nz7tvRdL94 5) Fantasy on American Sailing Songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgASHpN-rj8 6) Drunken Sailor (arr. Grant Hull) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1M1UvJzH00
Thanks Dave

HCB Rehearsal notes Tuesday Oct 17

Hi all, Here are the rehearsal notes for Tuesday, Oct. 17th.
1) Chorales-Assorted( 2,3,4,5, and 1) 2) Warm-up piece-Gott Humoriert Chorale 3) Dance of the Witches 4) Abracadabra 5) Nightmare Before Christmas 6) Welsh Rhapsody 7) Holst 2nd Suite-3rd and 4th 8) Drunken Sailor 9) Fogarty’s Cove (if time)
Thanks Dave

HCB Rehearsal Notes Tuesday Oct 10

Hi all, Here are the rehearsal notes for Tuesday, Oct. 10th
1) Chorales-More Assorted 2) Warm-up piece-American Sailing Songs 3) Holst Suite-1st and 2nd movements 4) Abracadabra 5) Welsh Rhapsody 6) Nightmare Before Christmas 7) Dance of the Witches 8) Fugue in G Minor (if time) 9) Holst 3rd or 4th (if time)
Thanks and see you Tuesday. Dave

HCB Rehearsal Notes Tuesday Oct 3

Hi all, Here are the rehearsal notes for Tuesday, Oct.3rd.
1) Chorales-Bride of Assorted 2) Warm-up Piece-Gott Humoriet Chorale 3) A Welsh Rhapsody 4) Dance of the Witches 5) Fogarty’s Suite- The Jeannie C and 3rd Movement 6) Abracadabra 7) Holst 2nd Suite- Song of the Blacksmith and Fantasia 8) Drunken Sailor
Thanks and see you Tuesday. Dave