HCB Message from Dave

Hi all,
Thanks so much for your excellent performance last night! I must say, I was a little brain-and-body weary last night after the show but in a really good way. It’s a real challenge to keep all of the physical, mental, technical and musical aspects together for such a long concert and that is what I was most amazed with, that we did it and that we did it so well together!
I want to specifically thank our featured trumpet trio; Chris, Fiona and John for a great job with the solo parts in Song of Hope. To play so well in a live setting is a testament to your talents and is very commendable!
Holberg Suite represents a performance milestone for the band since I’ve been conducting and it came off so beautifully. I really feel it’s important to play repertoire that pushes us to use our “classical training” that we have all practiced for so many years. Well done!
Thanks also to all of our soloists last night for your skill and courage and to the entire group for your remarkable spirit of community, music-making and adventure!
Speaking of adventure, I’m off to Newfoundland today for a family visit and was up very early this morning (5:30!!) to prepare for that. I think what woke me up was all the music from last night still going through my head. Thanks for the lovely ear-worms!!
Enjoy the potluck and have a great summer! Take care. Dave

HCB End-of-Year Potluck

Hi everyone
The band potluck is back after a 3 year hiatus and it’s a new venue this year!
Date Tuesday June 13 Time 615-9pm
Address 70 Grandhaven Blvd Grandhaven Blvd is off Washmill Lake  Drive
It’s not one of the apartment buildings – it’s the clubhouse The entrance has 70 above the door
I’ve attached the sign-up sheet for food that was passed around last week so that those folks who were not in attendance and plan on coming can see any gaps!
There’s a street photo attached of the archway where you turn in to Grandhaven Blvd and a photo of the Clubhouse entrance. There’s plenty of parking – basically any spot outside the clubhouse or any of the apartment buildings
This venue does not supply any utensils so please bring any serving spoons etc with you!
Any questions or issues reach out! adale66@hotmail.co.

HCB Rehearsal Notes Mon Jun 5 AND Tue Jun 6

Hi all,
Our dress rehearsal on Monday, June 5th will be in the band room at the West starting at 6 pm and will run until 7:20 sharp. We will all have to exit the band room promptly because there is another rehearsal starting at 7:30.
We will run various sections of our pieces in concert order and look at any areas that need work as time allows.
Our concert order is: 1) Flying Colors 2) Three Paintings from Lautrec-i) At the Circus ii) Girl with Red Hair 3) Song of Hope 4) Holberg Suite-i)Praeludium ii)Sarabande iii)Gavotte iv)Air v)Rigaudon 5)Hymn to the Fallen 6) Anne of Green Gables 7) The Nightmare Before Christmas 8) Kirkpatrick’s Muse 9) Street Tango
The concert on Tuesday, June 6th is on the stage of the Bella Rose Theatre (located next to the West band room) and will start at 7 pm.
Any members who have volunteered to help set up the stage and move equipment are asked to be set to do that by 6 pm with all remaining members asked to arrive no later than 6:15.
Dress for the concert is formal concert dress (or all black) and also, a reminder to bring a clip-on stand light  to help with reading if you so desire.
Thanks and see you on Monday at 6:00 pm Dave* *

HCB Rehearsal Today

We have checked several sources and it looks like Halifax West will be open this evening for our rehearsal. So, we look forward to seeing you before 6:30 pm in the band room. If anything changes, an e-mail will be sent.