Hello everyone. This post will be my last one as conductor. I just wanted to thank everyone for their collective willingness to work together in order to achieve a splendid Christmas Concert. I was really impressed by your performance last night and was proud of how you delivered such a fine product. I hope that you all enjoyed the obvious excellence, especially because I knew that we were all hungry to perform. This was the best Christmas show that I can remember conducting. Of particular note was your intonation. I wonder if the use of tuning apps on your phones played a big part in this area? You could hear the difference. A good example of this were the unison lines in the trumpet section (Silent Night in C’est Noel, for example). I could tell that after the first 2 selections, we were going to really nail a fine performance. I was very happy with the guest performances too. The Clarinet Quintet, the Honour Choir and the organ solo all added immensely to our show. Special thanks to Perla for her quick witted patter and her fine vocal stylings. Nice work on the Carpenters tune especially. Beautiful ending flügel and horns. I see that I’m running on and on here and may be overplaying my hand. Thanks, everyone. It was a tremendous night, even though my bowtie was on upside down for the entire show. Merry Christmas and happy holidays. See you Jan. 11th. MC