Message from Laura Mercer Cape Breton Band Festival

To my FB friends and fellow concert band players. Well folk I hope this note finds you all safe and that the impact of Fiona was minimal to you. Well for Second Wind Community Band it is not. We have to cancel our annual BandFest 2022 this coming weekend September 30, October 1/2, but also our regular weekly rehearsals on Wednesday at the Victoria Park Armouries. As you may know, the military has been called in to help Cape Breton get back on their feet and the VP Armouries will be their headquarters. This is where we would have hosted our BandFest this coming weekend and all our weekly Wednesday weekly rehearsals which are well underway. So until I can arrange a new space and of course when it’s all safe for us to resume I will be in touch. I’m sad, as it means things are super tough here in CB and around the Atlantic provinces. We have had great plans for our BandFest 2022 and our 30th year celebrations and concerts and will do our best to celebrate once things get back on track. Be safe and watch for announcements once I can secure a space for us to resume and maybe still host our annual BandFest for 2022 later in the fall. Stay tuned. Take care Laura Mercer. Conductor of Second Wind Community Band Cape Breton Community Band Fall Fest” Find us at <>