HCB Christmas Dinner Dec 20

Finally, after being missing for 3 years, we are pleased to announce that we will be having a Band Christmas Dinner on Tuesday December 20, beginning at 6:30 pm. The location is Jim’s Family Restaurant, 243 Bedford Highway, Halifax. *_Family and friends are welcome to attend_*. Everyone is responsible for their own meal, and there are a wide variety of choices from the menu. A link to their website and menu is: www.jimsfamilyrestauranthalifax.com/gallery
We need to provide the restaurant with accurate numbers by December 10, so we are asking you to complete the RSVP form by Friday Dec 9. A link to the form is: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeaskZnZnf3W3WaLKuHR9rgcweMlRyHKb0dohidhuUhX7NX4w/viewform
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Bill Mullin w.mullin@eastlink.ca Perla Canales-Deichler perlonga@ns.sympatico.ca

HCB Rehearsal Notes Tue Nov 22

Hi all,
Here’s the line-up for Tuesday’s rehearsal (Nov.22nd)
1) Chorales-More Assorted (Various) 2) Warm-up Piece- On That Night All Was Silent 3) Carol of the Drum 4) Chanukah Festival Overture 5) I’ll Be Home For Christmas 6) The Nightmare Before Christmas 7) Minor Alterations 8) Fantasy on a Huron Carol 9) The Holly and the Ivy 10) Dreams of Christmas (if time)
Thanks Dave

HCB Rehearsal Notes Nov 15

Hi All First off, let me thank you all for your excellent performance on Tuesday night and for all of your hard work leading up to the concert. The first show of the season is always a chance to get on stage and to manage the energy of performance while going through the repertoire in concert and I feel that that went very well indeed! It was also nice to have our visiting group join us and to hear their music performed so well.
Bravo!! Now, onward to our Holiday Season pieces!
This Tuesday’s rehearsal will be a big read-through and I will be choosing from the following list of pieces that I plan to program for the December 13th concert (I may switch the order as we go depending on time and any rehearsal issues).
Warm-up Piece -Girl with Red Hair (from Lautrec) Fantasy on the Huron Carol The Holly and the Ivy I’ll be Home for Christmas-new from Mark Cuming featuring Perla on vocals On That Night All Was Silent Chanukah Festival Overture Dreams of Christmas Minor Alterations Carol of the Drum
The band is required to hold an Annual General Meeting each year. It will happen at the end of rehearsal on Nov 15. Three executive reports are attached.
Thanks Dave

HCB Notes for Concert Tue Nov 8

Hi all,
Our concert is at 7 pm on Tuesday on the stage of the Bella Rose. I am asking the stage setup volunteers to come in for 6 pm to set the stage. The rest of the band are asked to arrive at the band room no later than 6:15. Doors open at 6:30. We will assemble on the stage at 6:45. The band will use the Halifax West band room to assemble and to warm-up and the Bedford Brass Quintet will be in the Green Room (next door) for their assembly/warm-up. Dress for the concert is all-black (not casual) with a reminder to wear a poppy if you choose.
HCB performs first (at 7) with the following order of selections.
Three Ayres from Gloucester Waltz in the Old Style A Scottish Rhapsody We Want It All Praeludium
After our set, we will have to strike the stage to a certain degree to create a good space for the Bedford Brass Quintet’s set-up and I will provide instructions for that at the time. They will finish the concert with their set and their selections will be listed in the program.
I am also including a link to the Chronicle Herald article announcing the concert and would like to thank Don Doyle very much for all his arrangements with this and also for doing up posters and printed programs.
Thanks and see you on Tuesday. Dave

HCB Rehearsal Notes Tue Nov 1

Hi all
Here are the rehearsal notes for Tuesday, Nov. 1st
1) Chorales-Son of Assorted 2) Warm-up Piece- 3rd Ayre (Fiefs of Wembley) 3) Three Ayres (complete) 4) Waltz in the Old Style 5) Scottish Rhapsody 6) We Want It All 7) Praeludium 8) Read Thru-Fantasy On The Huron Carol (Robert Buckley)
Thanks Dave

Help someone get to rehearsal

Andrew is a clarinet player who lives in the Morris-Barrington area of Halifax. Thanks to Donna and Steve, he has been getting transportation to rehearsal each week. However, after our concert in November, they will not be able to do this. Is there anyone who is willing to help Andrew get to rehearsal each week? If so, please contact Andrew through e-mail at clarinette496@gmail.com
Thanks Bob